Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Fund for Women

Board Chair of United World Colleges and CARE International Supervisory Board, Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro is also a member of the Council, London School of Economics, and chairs its Ethics Committee. In addition, Musimbi is a Board Member of the United Nations Global Compact and also serves as a Senior Gender Advisor for its accelerator, Target Gender Equality. Musimbi Kanyoro was President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women (2011- 2019).
Previously, she was the Director of Population and Reproductive Health at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Before moving to the USA in 2007, Musimbi spent 20 years in Geneva, Switzerland, where she worked for the Lutheran World Federation for 10 years as Executive Secretary for Women in Church and Society.
She was then appointed General Secretary of the World YWCA in 1998, a position she held for a decade. Musimbi is a frequent public speaker and has written and published on Women’s Human Rights, gender, philanthropy, and theology. She facilitates dialogues and mentorship programs for emerging leaders, including Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Homeward Bound and WEAfrica.